Check if two date periods overlap [duplicate]

You can use Joda-Time for this. It provides the class Interval which specifies a start and end instants and can check for overlaps with overlaps(Interval). Something like DateTime now =; DateTime start1 = now; DateTime end1 = now.plusMinutes(1); DateTime start2 = now.plusSeconds(50); DateTime end2 = now.plusMinutes(2); Interval interval = new Interval( start1, end1 ); … Read more

Sankey Diagrams in R?

This plot can be created through the networkD3 package. It allows you to create interactive sankey diagrams. Here you can find an example. I also added a screenshot so you have an idea what it looks like. # Load package library(networkD3) # Load energy projection data # Load energy projection data URL <- paste0( “”, … Read more

How to draw this chart in html and CSS? [closed]

Use the following: Your basic circle: .circle { width: 100px; height: 100px; border-radius: 50px; /*Make it a circle (border-radius = 1/2*width & height)*/ background-color: hotPink; border: none; } <button class=”circle”>Motion Detection</button> <!– Using a button to generate the circle –> Then use position: absolute; with the left and right properties to position the circles. Have … Read more