How to import a text file on AWS S3 into pandas without writing to disk

pandas uses boto for read_csv, so you should be able to: import boto data = pd.read_csv(‘s3://bucket….csv’) If you need boto3 because you are on python3.4+, you can import boto3 import io s3 = boto3.client(‘s3′) obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=”bucket”, Key=’key’) df = pd.read_csv(io.BytesIO(obj[‘Body’].read())) Since version 0.20.1 pandas uses s3fs, see answer below.

Rails 2.3-style plugins and deprecation warnings running task in Heroku

Are you using Heroku? Heroku will inject plugins in Rails 3.x applications .. To avoid this injection in Rails 3, include the rails_12factor gem in your application. (Heroku Ruby Support 2013-10-26) The rails_12factor gem is also required in rails 4. If this gem is not present in your application, you will receive a warning while … Read more

React Routing works in local machine but not Heroku

I actually came across this post first before 3 hours of searching through react-router and heroku documentation. For swyx, and anyone else having the same problem, I’ll outline the minimum of what you need to do to get this working. router.js – (Obviously change AppSplash and AppDemo to your components) export default <Router history={hashHistory}> <Route … Read more