Set width on div

The more professional way to do this would be to edit the css so that you have. By editing the css this will help keep your code and styling more consistent while you develop. .text_box { width: 495px; text-align: center; margin-top: 62px; margin-bottom: 200px; }

How do you put <style> in css? [closed]

You save your CSS into a separate file, like style.css and include in inside your <head> tag: <head> <!– other stuff such as metas, title, etc. –> <link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=””> </head>

HTML Text before copy [closed]

EDIT: Edit 2 should answer to the question <a id=”demo” class=”button cta-button” onclick=”copyToClipboard(document.getElementById(‘demo’).innerHTML)”> Server Ip Here </a> Everything between ” is rendered as text. Example: var text=”value”; console.log(text); //Will render “value” console.log(“text”); //Will render “text” copyToClipboard(document.getElementById(‘demo’).innerHTML) is then executed with arg document.getElementById(‘demo’).innerHTML which is a string here. Case 1 Your <a> tags displays the value … Read more

Can I use all the HTML tags inside a script tag of type javascript [closed]

No. You can’t. HTML is not Javascript (obviously). Any raw html inside a <script> block is simply a syntax error: <script> <div>Hi mom!</div> // <– javascript syntax error var foo = ‘<div>Hi mom!</div>’; // valid javascript. </script> The second one works because it’s NOT Html. It’s a javascript string that contains some characters that LOOK … Read more

Why does my design elements look different in all browsers? UPDATE [closed]

I noticed this on line 544 of main.css: 542 .ca-menu li:hover .ca-icon { 543 color: #Fff; 544* animation: 300ms ease 0s normal none 1 moveFromBottom; 545 } You’re using the non-vendor-prefixed variant of animation. Firefox recognizes this attribute, but WebKit (chrome, safari, etc) don’t (more info on Add the vendor prefixed variants of the … Read more

How can I merge <div class="tile"> with another <div class="tile">? [closed]

This works for me. Is it what you meant? $(function() { var html = $(“.tile”).map(function() { return $(this).html(); }).get() $(“.tile”).eq(0).html(html).css({ “width”: “300px”, “background”: “#012496” }); $(“.tile:gt(0)”).remove(); }); div.tile { float: left; width: 100px; height: 50px; border: 3px solid yellow; text-align:center; } div.tile1 { float: left; width: 100px; height: 50px; border: 3px solid yellow; text-align:center; } … Read more

Add new row in html dynamically using jQuery

Not really sure what you are after sorry, but the following might help you out. $(document).ready(function () { $(‘#my_button’).click( function (e) { var dynamic_html = “<tr>whatever data you want (including raw html) </tr>”; jQuery(‘#my_table’).append(dynamic_html); }); } Inside the “dynamic_html” you can put any text/html that you want. You can add in your table cells and … Read more