Append HTML to container element without innerHTML

Check out the insertAdjacentHTML() method. The first parameter is where you want the string appended and takes (“beforebegin”, “afterbegin”, “beforeend”, “afterend”). In the OP’s situation you would use “beforeend”. The second parameter is just the html string. Basic usage: var d1 = document.getElementById(‘one’); d1.insertAdjacentHTML(‘beforeend’, ‘<div id=”two”>two</div>’);

Javascript – innerHTML not working with HTML select menus

I would suggest simply not to use innerHTML on a select – it just seems wrong. select elements have easy to use methods to add new options: `document.getElementById(‘day’).options.add(new Option(“1”, “1”))` the parameters in the above object creation are: new Option(“optionText”, “optionValue”) Just wanted to add to this answer, because it might clarify to someone who … Read more

Angular 2 equivalent of ng-bind-html, $sce.trustAsHTML(), and $compile?

In Angular2 you should use DynamicComponentLoader to insert some “compiled content” on the page. So for example if you want to compile next html: <div> <p>Common HTML tag</p> <angular2-component>Some angular2 component</angular2-component> </div> then you need to create component with this html as a template (let’s call it CompiledComponent) and use DynamicComponentLoader to insert this component … Read more

Javascript Iframe innerHTML

I think this is what you want: window.frames[‘iframe01′].document.body.innerHTML EDIT: I have it on good authority that this won’t work in Chrome and Firefox although it works perfectly in IE, which is where I tested it. In retrospect, that was a big mistake This will work: window.frames[0].document.body.innerHTML I understand that this isn’t exactly what was asked … Read more

BeautifulSoup innerhtml?

TL;DR With BeautifulSoup 4 use element.encode_contents() if you want a UTF-8 encoded bytestring or use element.decode_contents() if you want a Python Unicode string. For example the DOM’s innerHTML method might look something like this: def innerHTML(element): “””Returns the inner HTML of an element as a UTF-8 encoded bytestring””” return element.encode_contents() These functions aren’t currently in … Read more

Change label text using JavaScript

Because your script runs BEFORE the label exists on the page (in the DOM). Either put the script after the label, or wait until the document has fully loaded (use an OnLoad function, such as the jQuery ready() or This won’t work: <script> document.getElementById(‘lbltipAddedComment’).innerHTML = ‘your tip has been submitted!’; </script> <label id=”lbltipAddedComment”>test</label> This … Read more

Add/remove HTML inside div using JavaScript

You can do something like this. function addRow() { const div = document.createElement(‘div’); div.className=”row”; div.innerHTML = ` <input type=”text” name=”name” value=”” /> <input type=”text” name=”value” value=”” /> <label> <input type=”checkbox” name=”check” value=”1″ /> Checked? </label> <input type=”button” value=”-” onclick=”removeRow(this)” /> `; document.getElementById(‘content’).appendChild(div); } function removeRow(input) { document.getElementById(‘content’).removeChild(input.parentNode); }