iOS wifi scan, signal strength

As far as i know this can still be done (using private APIs, of course) by MobileApple80211 framework. Stumbler code is a good source of information on how to use this framework. For iOS 5 you’ll need a jailbroken iPhone. Guvener Gokce has a very educational blog post on this: iPhone Wireless Scanner iOS5

Can we invite people to use our app or send friend request from the app via Facebook in iOS 5?

Use Facebook-sdk 3.1 User-generated requests are initiated when the app enables the user to select one or more friends to send a request to. We will walk you through the steps to send out an invite or a request: Triggering when the invitation or request is sent Sending the request Sending additional data with the … Read more

Why is accelerometer:didAccelerate: deprecated in IOS5?

I did not yet use iOS 5, but already in 4.x UIAccelerometer and UIAccelerometerDelegate were replaced by the CoreMotion framework. It is more sophisticated, takes gyroscope signals into account and performs a sensor fusion i.e. does calibrating stuff like bias calculation for you. Basically the CMDeviceMotionHandler block callback is now the equivalent. It is called … Read more

How can I manually switch between UIViewControllers in storyboard?

I’m guessing that you are using a UINavigationController. Then you can simply do like this: LoginViewController *controller = [[LoginViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@”LoginViewController” bundle:nil]; [self.navigationController pushViewController:controller animated:YES]; Update: If you are using a UIStoryboard, you can set the identifier of your new viewcontroller, and then push it onto your navigationController. To set the identifier, choose your view, … Read more

Facebook SDK 3.1 for iOS – runs on iOS6, but crashes on iOS 5.x

Did you set the frameworks to be optional? When you are adding AdSupport.framework, Social.framework, and Accounts.framework, there is drop down menu to the right that you can select between “Required” and “Optional”. See a picture example here: Link Another thing to check is in your Project’s “Build Settings” that ‘Base SDK’ is 6.0 and ‘iOS … Read more