Segue to another storyboard?

Yes, but you have to do it programmatically: // Get the storyboard named secondStoryBoard from the main bundle: UIStoryboard *secondStoryBoard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@”secondStoryBoard” bundle:nil]; // Load the initial view controller from the storyboard. // Set this by selecting ‘Is Initial View Controller’ on the appropriate view controller in the storyboard. UIViewController *theInitialViewController = [secondStoryBoard instantiateInitialViewController]; … Read more

Should I refer to in the init method with ARC?

Use direct access in partially constructed states, regardless of ARC: – (id)initWithReminder:(Reminder*)reminder_ { self = [super init]; if (self) { reminder = reminder_; // OR reminder = [reminder_ retain]; } return self; } This is because self.whatever will trigger other side effects, such as Key-Value Observing (KVO) notifications, or maybe your class implements (explicitly) or … Read more

iOS 5 fixed positioning and virtual keyboard

I had this problem in my application. Here’s how I’m working around it: input.on(‘focus’, function(){ header.css({position:’absolute’}); }); input.on(‘blur’, function(){ header.css({position:’fixed’}); }); I’m just scrolling to the top and positioning it there, so the iOS user doesn’t notice anything odd going on. Wrap this in some user agent detection so other users don’t get this behavior.

Perform Segue on ViewDidLoad

I answered a similar question where the developer wanted to show a login screen at the start. I put together some sample code for him that can be downloaded here. The key to solving this problem is calling things at the right time if you want to display this new view controller, you will see … Read more

What properties can I set via an UIAppearance proxy?

Properties that can be set via UIAppearance are tagged with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR in the corresponding header file. To generate a list of properties tagged with UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR, you can use the following unix commands in a terminal: cd /Applications/‌​/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.1.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/Headers grep -H UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR ./* | sed ‘s/ __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_NA,__IPHONE_5_0) UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;//’ Here is a list that I compiled using the … Read more

how to get the message when receiving the “kCTMessageReceivedNotification” notification on IOS5

Here’s what I found … Just looking at the dumped private APIs, it looks like ChatKit.framework could help. Take a look at CKSMSService.h or CKMadridService.h for iMessage messages. I did quickly attempt to swizzle my own method in, for a couple methods in CKSMSService: – (void)_receivedMessage: (id)arg1 replace:(BOOL)arg2 replacedRecordIdentifier:(int)arg3 postInternalNotification:(BOOL)arg4; – (void)_receivedMessage: (id)arg1 replace:(BOOL)arg2 postInternalNotification:(BOOL)arg3; … Read more