How do I find out which JAXP implementation is in use and where it was loaded from?

It is quite difficult to predict what concrete JAXP factory implementation will be loaded without actually creating an instance because the process for selecting an implementation. From the Official JAXP FAQ (Question 14): When an application wants to create a new JAXP DocumentBuilderFactory instance, it calls the staic method DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(). This causes a search for … Read more

Java XPath (Apache JAXP implementation) performance

I have debugged and profiled my test-case and Xalan/JAXP in general. I managed to identify the big major problem in org.apache.xml.dtm.ObjectFactory.lookUpFactoryClassName() It can be seen that every one of the 10k test XPath evaluations led to the classloader trying to lookup the DTMManager instance in some sort of default configuration. This configuration is not loaded … Read more