Drawbacks of using /LARGEADDRESSAWARE for 32-bit Windows executables?

blindly applying the LargeAddressAware flag to your 32bit executable deploys a ticking time bomb! by setting this flag you are testifying to the OS: yes, my application (and all DLLs being loaded during runtime) can cope with memory addresses up to 4 GB. so don’t restrict the VAS for the process to 2 GB but … Read more

Can I set LARGEADDRESSAWARE from within Visual Studio?

Building on @RouMao’s answer, you may get an error message saying that editbin cannot be found. Ensure that the environment in the post-build event command line is setup properly by specifying as follows: call “$(VS100COMNTOOLS)..\tools\vsvars32.bat” editbin /largeaddressaware $(TargetPath) Another thing to understand is that your LARGEADDRESSAWARE enabled application will not run in debugging mode when … Read more