How do I parse and write XML using Python’s ElementTree without moving namespaces around?

As far as I know the solution that better suits your needs is to write a pure Python custom rendering using the features exposed by xml.etree.ElementTree. Here is one possible solution: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from re import findall, sub def render(root, buffer=””, namespaces=None, level=0, indent_size=2, encoding=’utf-8′): buffer += f'<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”{encoding}” ?>\n’ … Read more

Facebook SDK v4 for PHP Minimal Example

have recently solved this. as there is autoload.php file available with sdk you dont need to use require etc etc. just include that autoload.php on the start <?php session_start(); // added in v4.0.0 require_once ‘autoload.php’; use Facebook\FacebookSession; use Facebook\FacebookRedirectLoginHelper; use Facebook\FacebookRequest; use Facebook\FacebookResponse; use Facebook\FacebookSDKException; use Facebook\FacebookRequestException; use Facebook\FacebookAuthorizationException; use Facebook\GraphObject; use Facebook\Entities\AccessToken; use Facebook\HttpClients\FacebookCurlHttpClient; … Read more

argparse subcommands with nested namespaces

If the focus is on just putting selected arguments in their own namespace, and the use of subparsers (and parents) is incidental to the issue, this custom action might do the trick. class GroupedAction(argparse.Action): def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): group,dest = self.dest.split(‘.’,2) groupspace = getattr(namespace, group, argparse.Namespace()) setattr(groupspace, dest, values) setattr(namespace, group, groupspace) There … Read more

PHP namespace PDO not found

You should be using correct namespaces for the objects in your methods, either “use” them or prefix them with the root namespace; <?php //… namespace etc… use \PDO; self::$connection = new PDO(“mysql:host=$host;dbname=$base”, $user, $pass); or simply; self::$connection = new \PDO(“mysql:host=$host;dbname=$base”, $user, $pass);