Implementation of nested functions

GCC uses something called a trampoline. Information: A trampoline is a piece of code that GCC creates in the stack to use when you need a pointer to a nested function. In your code, the trampoline is necessary because you pass g as a parameter to a function call. A trampoline initializes some registers … Read more

Nested Function in Python

Normally you do it to make closures: def make_adder(x): def add(y): return x + y return add plus5 = make_adder(5) print(plus5(12)) # prints 17 Inner functions can access variables from the enclosing scope (in this case, the local variable x). If you’re not accessing any variables from the enclosing scope, they’re really just ordinary functions … Read more

What are PHP nested functions for?

If you are using PHP 5.3 you can get more JavaScript-like behaviour with an anonymous function: <?php function outer() { $inner=function() { echo “test\n”; }; $inner(); } outer(); outer(); inner(); //PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function inner() $inner(); //PHP Fatal error: Function name must be a string ?> Output: test test

JavaScript Nested function

Functions are another type of variable in JavaScript (with some nuances of course). Creating a function within another function changes the scope of the function in the same way it would change the scope of a variable. This is especially important for use with closures to reduce total global namespace pollution. The functions defined within … Read more