NUnit Test Run Order

I just want to point out that while most of the responders assumed these were unit tests, the question did not specify that they were. nUnit is a great tool that can be used for a variety of testing situations. I can see appropriate reasons for wanting to control test order. In those situations I … Read more

How can I run NUnit tests in parallel?

If you want to run NUnit tests in parallel, there are at least 2 options: NCrunch offers it out of the box (without changing anything, but is a commercial product) NUnit 3 offers a Parallelizable attribute, which can be used to denote which tests can be run in parallel

Run Selenium tests in multiple browsers one after another from C# NUnit

NUnit 2.5+ now supports Generic Test Fixtures which make testing in multiple browsers very straightforward. Running the following example will execute the GoogleTest twice, once in Firefox and once in IE. using NUnit.Framework; using OpenQA.Selenium; using OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox; using OpenQA.Selenium.IE; using System.Threading; namespace SeleniumTests { [TestFixture(typeof(FirefoxDriver))] [TestFixture(typeof(InternetExplorerDriver))] public class TestWithMultipleBrowsers<TWebDriver> where TWebDriver : IWebDriver, new() … Read more

How can I run NUnit tests in Visual Studio 2017?

Add the NUnit test adapter NuGet package to your test projects 2.* ( 3.* ( Or install the Test Adapter Visual Studio extension. There is one for 2.* ( 3.* ( I prefer the NuGet package, because it will be in sync with the NUnit version used by your project and will thus automatically match the … Read more