Qt Webengine not loading openstreetmap tiles

By default QtWebEngine does not set default headers like popular browsers do. In this case the openstreetmap server needs to know the “Accept-Language” to produce the maps since for example the names of the cities will depend on the language to filter non-browser traffic. The solution is to implement a QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor that adds that header: … Read more

python osmnx – extract only big freeways of a country

Yes you can do this with OSMnx: import osmnx as ox ox.config(use_cache=True, log_console=True) G = ox.graph_from_place(‘France’, network_type=”drive”, custom_filter=”[“highway”~”motorway”]”) fig, ax = ox.plot_graph(G) See also this answer if you’d like to filter by multiple highway tag values (e.g., retain all motorways AND primary roads). Finally, note that as of OSMnx v0.15.0, the gdf_from_place and gdf_from_places functions … Read more