Python modules with identical names (i.e., reusing standard module names in packages)

Reusing names of standard functions/classes/modules/packages is never a good idea. Try to avoid it as much as possible. However there are clean workarounds to your situation. The behaviour you see, importing your SWS.time instead of the stdlib time, is due to the semantics of import in ancient python versions (2.x). To fix it add: from … Read more

Extract links from a web page

download java file as plain text/html pass it through Jsoup or html cleaner both are similar and can be used to parse even malformed html 4.0 syntax and then you can use the popular HTML DOM parsing methods like getElementsByName(“a”) or in jsoup its even cool you can simply use File input = new File(“/tmp/input.html”); … Read more

How to build a Meteor smart package

Meteor now supports a create –package command. See the meteor docs. Example (substitute your own meteor developer account for “cunneen”): meteor create –package cunneen:foo Output: cunneen:foo: created in your app Results: packages/cunneen:foo/package.js Package.describe({ name: ‘cunneen:foo’, version: ‘0.0.1’, // Brief, one-line summary of the package. summary: ”, // URL to the Git repository containing the source … Read more