how to parallelize many (fuzzy) string comparisons using apply in Pandas?

You can parallelize this with Dask.dataframe. >>> dmaster = dd.from_pandas(master, npartitions=4) >>> dmaster[‘my_value’] = dmaster.original.apply(lambda x: helper(x, slave), name=”my_value”)) >>> dmaster.compute() original my_value 0 this is a nice sentence 2 1 this is another one 3 2 stackoverflow is nice 1 Additionally, you should think about the tradeoffs between using threads vs processes here. Your … Read more

Tensorflow and Multiprocessing: Passing Sessions

You can’t use Python multiprocessing to pass a TensorFlow Session into a multiprocessing.Pool in the straightfoward way because the Session object can’t be pickled (it’s fundamentally not serializable because it may manage GPU memory and state like that). I’d suggest parallelizing the code using actors, which are essentially the parallel computing analog of “objects” and … Read more

increment a count value outside parallel.foreach scope

I like to beat dead horses! 🙂 The “lightest” way to increment the count from multiple threads is: Interlocked.Increment(ref count); But as others have pointed out: if you’re doing it inside Parallel.ForEach then you’re probably doing something wrong. I’m suspecting that for some reason you’re using ForEach but you need an index to the item … Read more

What is the easiest way to parallelize a task in java?

I would recommend taking a look at ExecutorService. In particular, something like this: ExecutorService EXEC = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); List<Callable<Result>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<Result>>(); for (final Object object: objects) { Callable<Result> c = new Callable<Result>() { @Override public Result call() throws Exception { return compute(object); } }; tasks.add(c); } List<Future<Result>> results = EXEC.invokeAll(tasks); Note that using newCachedThreadPool … Read more

Break parallel.foreach?

Use the ParallelLoopState.Break method: Parallel.ForEach(list, (i, state) => { state.Break(); }); Or in your case: Parallel.ForEach<ColorIndexHolder>(ColorIndex.AsEnumerable(), new Action<ColorIndexHolder, ParallelLoopState>((ColorIndexHolder Element, ParallelLoopState state) => { if (Element.StartIndex <= I && Element.StartIndex + Element.Length >= I) { Found = true; state.Break(); } }));