Are structs ‘pass-by-value’?

It is important to realise that everything in C# is passed by value, unless you specify ref or out in the signature. What makes value types (and hence structs) different from reference types is that a value type is accessed directly, while a reference type is accessed via its reference. If you pass a reference … Read more

Pass list to function by value [duplicate]

You can use [:], but for list containing lists(or other mutable objects) you should go for copy.deepcopy(): lis[:] is equivalent to list(lis) or copy.copy(lis), and returns a shallow copy of the list. In [33]: def func(lis): print id(lis) ….: In [34]: lis = [1,2,3] In [35]: id(lis) Out[35]: 158354604 In [36]: func(lis[:]) 158065836 When to … Read more

Java is NEVER pass-by-reference, right?…right? [duplicate]

As Rytmis said, Java passes references by value. What this means is that you can legitimately call mutating methods on the parameters of a method, but you cannot reassign them and expect the value to propagate. Example: private void goodChangeDog(Dog dog) { dog.setColor(Color.BLACK); // works as expected! } private void badChangeDog(Dog dog) { dog = … Read more

Why is the copy constructor called when we pass an object as an argument by value to a method?

To elaborate the two answers already given a bit: When you define variables to be “the same as” some other variable, you have basically two possibilities: ClassA aCopy = someOtherA; //copy ClassA& aRef = someOtherA; //reference Instead of non-const lvalue references, there are of course const references and rvalue references. The main thing I want … Read more