Function Overloading Based on Value vs. Const Reference

The intent seems to be to differenciate between invocations with temporaries (i.e. 9) and ‘regular’ argument passing. The first case may allow the function implementation to employ optimizations since it is clear that the arguments will be disposed afterwards (which is absolutely senseless for integer literals, but may make sense for user-defined objects). However, the … Read more

python pandas dataframe, is it pass-by-value or pass-by-reference

The short answer is, Python always does pass-by-value, but every Python variable is actually a pointer to some object, so sometimes it looks like pass-by-reference. In Python every object is either mutable or non-mutable. e.g., lists, dicts, modules and Pandas data frames are mutable, and ints, strings and tuples are non-mutable. Mutable objects can be … Read more

Python : When is a variable passed by reference and when by value? [duplicate]

Effbot (aka Fredrik Lundh) has described Python’s variable passing style as call-by-object: Objects are allocated on the heap and pointers to them can be passed around anywhere. When you make an assignment such as x = 1000, a dictionary entry is created that maps the string “x” in the current namespace to a pointer … Read more

What exactly is copy-on-modify semantics in R, and where is the canonical source?

Call-by-value The R Language Definition says this (in section 4.3.3 Argument Evaluation) The semantics of invoking a function in R argument are call-by-value. In general, supplied arguments behave as if they are local variables initialized with the value supplied and the name of the corresponding formal argument. Changing the value of a supplied argument within … Read more

Is it better in C++ to pass by value or pass by reference-to-const?

It used to be generally recommended best practice1 to use pass by const ref for all types, except for builtin types (char, int, double, etc.), for iterators and for function objects (lambdas, classes deriving from std::*_function). This was especially true before the existence of move semantics. The reason is simple: if you passed by value, … Read more