Prepared Statement on Postgresql in Rails

If you want to use prepare like that then you’ll need to make a couple changes: The PostgreSQL driver wants to see numbered placeholders ($1, $2, …) not question marks and you need to give your prepared statement a name: ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection.prepare(‘some_name’, “DELETE FROM my_table WHERE id = $1”) The calling sequence is prepare followed by … Read more

Oracle’s RETURNING INTO usage in Java (JDBC, Prepared Statement)

Because parameters specified in returning clauses are handled in a different way compared to normal output parameters(getReturnResultSet vs getResultSet vs returning parameters in a callablestatement). They need to be handled with OraclePreparedStatement. In the second case when you wrap the insert statement in begin..end the insert is handled by the database itself and al jdbc … Read more

How can I Insert JSON object into Postgres using Java preparedStatement?

This behaviour is quite annoying since JSON strings are accepted without problems when used as literal strings in SQL commands. There is a already an issue for this in the postgres driver Github repository (even if the problem seems the be the serverside processing). Besides using a cast (see answer of @a_horse_with_no_name) in the sql … Read more