Measurement of execution time of built-in functions for Spreadsheet

Unfortunately, there are not measurement tools for retrieving the execution time of built-in functions. This has already been commented by @RubĂ©n. So I thought of about the workarounds. How about the following workaround? Flow : Import a value to a cell. The value is anything good, because this is used as a trigger. Please do … Read more

How to calculate Gflops of a kernel

First some general remarks: In general, what you are doing is mostly an exercise in futility and is the reverse of how most people would probably go about performance analysis. The first point to make is that the peak value you are quoting is for strictly for floating point multiply-add instructions (FMAD), which count as … Read more

Javascript memory profiler for Firefox

I haven’t tried the Sofware verify tools, but Mozilla has tools that track overall memory consumed by firefox for the purpose of stemming leaks: and: There’s also this guy saying to avoid large arrays in the context of closures, towards article bottom