Can you monkey patch methods on core types in Python?

No, you cannot. In Python, all data (classes, methods, functions, etc) defined in C extension modules (including builtins) are immutable. This is because C modules are shared between multiple interpreters in the same process, so monkeypatching them would also affect unrelated interpreters in the same process. (Multiple interpreters in the same process are possible through … Read more

Do common JavaScript implementations use string interning?

Yes. In general any literal string, identifier, or other constant string in JS source is interned. However implementation details (exactly what is interned for instance) varies, as well as when the interning occurs. Note that a string value is not the same as a String Object though, String Objects are not interned because that would … Read more

What is the difference between statically typed and dynamically typed languages?

Statically typed languages A language is statically typed if the type of a variable is known at compile time. For some languages this means that you as the programmer must specify what type each variable is; other languages (e.g.: Java, C, C++) offer some form of type inference, the capability of the type system to … Read more

What are the programming languages for stalking facebook friends [closed]

I could think of following two ways: You will need to use Facebook Graph API to monitor posts by user But for that, the user should give permission to your app or the post should be public. Graph API SDK is available for PHP, Javascript, Android, and IOS. Another way I could think is … Read more