What is the difference between setUp() and setUpClass() in Python unittest?

The difference manifests itself when you have more than one test method in your class. setUpClass and tearDownClass are run once for the whole class; setUp and tearDown are run before and after each test method. For example: class Example(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): print(“setUpClass”) def setUp(self): print(“setUp”) def test1(self): print(“test1”) def test2(self): print(“test2”) def tearDown(self): … Read more

What is unittest in selenium Python?

Only three lines in this code are highlighted with an *, but here’s what they mean: First line: class Iframe(unittest.TestCase): This is declaring the class for the functions (test_Iframe and tearDown) that follow. A class is used to create “objects” in object oriented programming. Think of the class as the abstraction of data/procedures, while the … Read more

Python: Write unittest for console print

You can easily capture standard output by just temporarily redirecting sys.stdout to a StringIO object, as follows: import StringIO import sys def foo(inStr): print “hi”+inStr def test_foo(): capturedOutput = StringIO.StringIO() # Create StringIO object sys.stdout = capturedOutput # and redirect stdout. foo(‘test’) # Call unchanged function. sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # Reset redirect. print ‘Captured’, capturedOutput.getvalue() … Read more

Python Mocking a function from an imported module

When you are using the patch decorator from the unittest.mock package you are patching it in the namespace that is under test (in this case app.mocking.get_user_name), not the namespace the function is imported from (in this case app.my_module.get_user_name). To do what you describe with @patch try something like the below: from mock import patch from … Read more