How do I see state when logging to the console instead of Proxy object inside reducer action?

Solution You need to use the current function in order to see the actual value of the state. In your reducer, you can call: console.log(current(state)); This current function comes from the Immer package which is a dependency of Redux Toolkit. It is re-exported by Redux Toolkit, so it can be imported from either package: import … Read more

Getting an error “A non-serializable value was detected in the state” when using redux toolkit – but NOT with normal redux

This is more likely a problem from redux-persist. redux-toolkit provide few default middleware within it’s getDefaultMiddleware import { getDefaultMiddleware } from ‘@reduxjs/toolkit’; You can disable each middleware by providing false flag. To remove serializableCheck const customizedMiddleware = getDefaultMiddleware({ serializableCheck: false }) For details check redux-toolkit documentation. [2021/10/07] edit: To learn more about why this error … Read more