Responsive website zoomed out to full width on mobile

Add this to your HTML head.. <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1″> This tells smaller device browsers how to scale the page. You can read more about this here:

Maintain the aspect ratio of a div with CSS

Just create a wrapper <div> with a percentage value for padding-bottom, like this: .demoWrapper { padding: 10px; background: white; box-sizing: border-box; resize: horizontal; border: 1px dashed; overflow: auto; max-width: 100%; height: calc(100vh – 16px); } div { width: 100%; padding-bottom: 75%; background: gold; /** <– For the demo **/ } <div class=”demoWrapper”> <div></div> </div> It … Read more

IE8 support for CSS Media Query

css3-mediaqueries-js is probably what you are looking for: this script emulates media queries. However (from the script’s site) it “doesn’t work on @imported stylesheets (which you shouldn’t use anyway for performance reasons). Also won’t listen to the media attribute of the <link> and <style> elements”. In the same vein you have the simpler Respond.js, which … Read more

Making an iframe responsive

I present to you The Incredible Singing Cat solution =) .wrapper { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16:9 */ padding-top: 25px; height: 0; } .wrapper iframe { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } jsFiddle: As you move the window bar, you’ll see iframe to responsively resize Alternatively, you may … Read more

What’s the best way to make a d3.js visualisation layout responsive?

There’s another way to do this that doesn’t require redrawing the graph, and it involves modifying the viewBox and preserveAspectRatio attributes on the <svg> element: <svg id=”chart” viewBox=”0 0 960 500″ preserveAspectRatio=”xMidYMid meet”> </svg> Update 11/24/15: most modern browsers can infer the aspect ratio of SVG elements from the viewBox, so you may not need … Read more

What is the difference among col-lg-*, col-md-* and col-sm-* in Bootstrap?

Updated 2020… Bootstrap 5 In Bootstrap 5 (alpha) there is a new -xxl- size: col-* – 0 (xs) col-sm-* – 576px col-md-* – 768px col-lg-* – 992px col-xl-* – 1200px col-xxl-* – 1400px Bootstrap 5 Grid Demo Bootstrap 4 In Bootstrap 4 there is a new -xl- size, see this demo. Also the -xs- infix … Read more