Save image data to sqlite database in iphone

Here is how you can Save image to SQLITE: // Create Images Table. sql_stmp = “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS IMAGES (URL TEXT UNIQUE, IMAGE BLOB)”; if( sqlite3_exec(articlesDB, sql_stmp, NULL, NULL, &errMsg) != SQLITE_OK ) NSLog( @”Fail to create \”IMAGES\” table. Error is: %@”, errMsg ); And Here is function for save: // Save Small … Read more

Store and read hash and array in files in Perl

You’re looking for data serialisation. Popular choices that are robust are Sereal, JSON::XS and YAML::XS. Lesser known formats are: ASN.1, Avro, BERT, BSON, CBOR, JSYNC, MessagePack, Protocol Buffers, Thrift. Other often mentioned choices are Storable and Data::Dumper (or similar)/eval, but I cannot recommend them because Storable’s format is Perl version dependent, and eval is unsafe … Read more

Saving multiple ggplots from ls into one and separate files in R

It’s best to have your plots in a list l = mget(plots) Then you can simply print them page-by-page, pdf(“all.pdf”) invisible(lapply(l, print)) or save one plot per file, invisible(mapply(ggsave, file=paste0(“plot-“, names(l), “.pdf”), plot=l)) or arrange them all in one page, # On Windows, need to specify device ggsave(“arrange.pdf”, arrangeGrob(grobs = l), device = “pdf”) … Read more

Saving the highscore for a game?

I recommend you use shelve. For example: import shelve d =‘score.txt’) # here you will save the score variable d[‘score’] = score # thats all, now it is saved on disk. d.close() Next time you open your program use: import shelve d =‘score.txt’) score = d[‘score’] # the score is read from disk … Read more

Problems overwriting (re-saving) image when it was set as image source

You’re almost there. Using BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad was the best solution to keep your file from being locked. To cause it to reread the file every time you also need to add BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache. Adding one line to your code should do it: imgTemp.CreateOption = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreImageCache; thus resulting in this code: uriSource = new Uri(Combine(imagesDirectoryTemp, generatedFileName), UriKind.Absolute); imgTemp … Read more