Difference between scanf() and fgets()

There are multiple differences. Two crucial ones are: fgets() can read from any open file, but scanf() only reads standard input. fgets() reads ‘a line of text’ from a file; scanf() can be used for that but also handles conversions from string to built in numeric types. Many people will use fgets() to read a … Read more

getchar_unlocked( ) VS scanf() VS cin

Two points to consider. getchar_unlocked is deprecated in Windows because it is thread unsafe version of getchar(). Unless speed factor is too much necessary, try to avoid getchar_unlocked. Now, as far as speed is concerned. getchar_unlocked > getchar because there is no input stream lock check in getchar_unlocked which makes it unsafe. getchar > scanf … Read more

equivalent of Console.ReadLine() in c++

You are looking for std::getline(). For example: #include <string> std::string str; std::getline(std::cin, str); I’ve little idea what you mean when you say I must also be able to store the value through a pointer. Update: Looking at your updated question, I can imagine what is happening. The code that reads the choice, i.e. the number … Read more

How do you read scanf until EOF in C?

Try: while(scanf(“%15s”, words) != EOF) You need to compare scanf output with EOF Since you are specifying a width of 15 in the format string, you’ll read at most 15 char. So the words char array should be of size 16 ( 15 +1 for null char). So declare it as: char words[16];

C For loop skips first iteration and bogus number from loop scanf

Let’s take a look at the problem one by one: newline Remains in stdin after No. or Persons Read printf(“\n\nEnter name: “); safer_gets(person[i].full_name, 35); /* This is the step being skipped */ It is skipped because your safer_gets() reads only to the first ‘\n’ (newline character — not a carriage-return, that is ‘\r’). However, the … Read more