How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box

You problem can be very easy solved with respect of postData parameter including functions and trigger(‘reloadGrid’). I try explain the idea more detailed. Let us use mtype: “GET”. The only thing which standard search/filter box do after displaying the interface is appending of some additional parameters to the url, sending to server and reloading the … Read more

Python Google Web Crawler

for stackoverflow you can use the api directly for example: see you can’t making more 30 requests a second see

How to extract a multiline text segment between two delimiters under a certain heading from a text file using C++ [closed]

After taking a closer look at reading text files in C++, I settled on this passable but most likely far from ideal solution: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { string TextFile; cout << “Enter the wordlist to search:” << “\n”; getline(cin, TextFile); string Search; int Offset = 0; int … Read more