Implementing our own STUN/TURN server for WebRTC Application [duplicate]

TURN it’s an extension of STUN, so TURN server has also STUN features. works also as a STUN, so you can try to write something like this: var pc_config = { “iceServers”: [{ “url”:”turn:my_username@<turn_server_ip_address>”, “credential”:”my_password” }] }; pc_new = new webkitRTCPeerConnection(pc_config);

STUN/TURN server connectivity test

Edit: A nice implementation in taken from comment to another answer( choose “relay” in IceTransports value): Test TURN Server following Benjamin Trent’s advice, I wrote the below code to test TURN server’s connectivity, works on both firefox n chrome: function checkTURNServer(turnConfig, timeout){ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function(){ if(promiseResolved) return; resolve(false); promiseResolved = true; }, … Read more