How to include a sub-view in Blade templates?

You can use the blade template engine: @include(‘’) ‘’ would live in your main views folder: // for laravel 4.X app/views/view/name.blade.php // for laravel 5.X resources/views/view/name.blade.php Another example @include(‘’); would display the following view // for laravel 4.X app/views/hello/world.blade.php // for laravel 5.X resources/views/hello/world.blade.php Another example @include(‘’); would display the following view // for Laravel … Read more

Passing variables through handlebars partial

Handlebars partials take a second parameter which becomes the context for the partial: {{> person this}} In versions v2.0.0 alpha and later, you can also pass a hash of named parameters: {{> person headline=”Headline”}} You can see the tests for these scenarios:

Is it possible to use Razor View Engine outside

There are two issues here: Yes, you can run the Razor View Engine outside of the context of an ASP.NET app domain, as explained in Andrew’s blog: However, Razor is still primarily focused on generating xml-like markup (e.g. HTML) in the sense that the Razor parser uses the presence of <tags> to determine the … Read more