Android app in Eclipse: Edit text not showing on Graphical layout

Check the “Android version to use when rendering layouts” and make sure you’re not using a version that ends in “W” for Android Wear (e.g. API 20: Android 4.4W). I don’t believe Wear supports EditText. In both Android Studio and Eclipse, it’s the dropdown with the green android in the layout preview’s toolbar. You may … Read more

JavaScript text between double quotes

Try: <script> let str1 = ‘Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum’; let str2 = ‘Neque “porro quisquam est” qui dolorem ipsum’; let str3 = ‘Neque “porro’; let str4 = ‘Neque “porro” quisquam “est” qui dolorem ipsum’; function extractFirstText(str){ const matches = str.match(/”(.*?)”/); return console.log(matches ? matches[1] : str); } function extractAllText(str){ const re = … Read more

Parsing Performance (If, TryParse, Try-Catch)

Always use T.TryParse(string str, out T value). Throwing exceptions is expensive and should be avoided if you can handle the situation a priori. Using a try-catch block to “save” on performance (because your invalid data rate is low) is an abuse of exception handling at the expense of maintainability and good coding practices. Follow sound … Read more

How can I print bold text in Python?

class color: PURPLE = ‘\033[95m’ CYAN = ‘\033[96m’ DARKCYAN = ‘\033[36m’ BLUE = ‘\033[94m’ GREEN = ‘\033[92m’ YELLOW = ‘\033[93m’ RED = ‘\033[91m’ BOLD = ‘\033[1m’ UNDERLINE = ‘\033[4m’ END = ‘\033[0m’ print(color.BOLD + ‘Hello, World!’ + color.END)

How to scrape only visible webpage text with BeautifulSoup?

Try this: from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4.element import Comment import urllib.request def tag_visible(element): if in [‘style’, ‘script’, ‘head’, ‘title’, ‘meta’, ‘[document]’]: return False if isinstance(element, Comment): return False return True def text_from_html(body): soup = BeautifulSoup(body, ‘html.parser’) texts = soup.findAll(text=True) visible_texts = filter(tag_visible, texts) return u” “.join(t.strip() for t in visible_texts) html = urllib.request.urlopen(‘’).read() … Read more