std::shared_ptr of this

There is std::enable_shared_from_this just for this purpose. You inherit from it and you can call .shared_from_this() from inside the class. Also, you are creating circular dependencies here that can lead to resource leaks. That can be resolved with the use of std::weak_ptr. So your code might look like this (assuming children rely on existence of … Read more

this: Cannot use this in static context

See, “this” keyword refers to current object due to which method is under exceution. As, you cannot call static method using instance of class. That is why, “this” can’t be used in the above example in a static method as it is trying to print current instance wich is not at all created. So, I … Read more

jQuery $(this) keyword

When you perform an DOM query through jQuery like $(‘class-name’) it actively searched the DOM for that element and returns that element with all the jQuery prototype methods attached. When you’re within the jQuery chain or event you don’t have to rerun the DOM query you can use the context $(this). Like so: $(‘.class-name’).on(‘click’, function(evt) … Read more

this operator in javascript

The this value in the global execution context, refers to the global object, e.g.: this === window; // true For Function Code, it really depends on how do you invoke the function, for example, the this value is implicitly set when: Calling a function with no base object reference: myFunc(); The this value will also … Read more