Are tuples more efficient than lists in Python?

Summary Tuples tend to perform better than lists in almost every category: 1) Tuples can be constant folded. 2) Tuples can be reused instead of copied. 3) Tuples are compact and don’t over-allocate. 4) Tuples directly reference their elements. Tuples can be constant folded Tuples of constants can be precomputed by Python’s peephole optimizer or … Read more

How does swapping of members in tuples (a,b)=(b,a) work internally?

Python separates the right-hand side expression from the left-hand side assignment. First the right-hand side is evaluated, and the result is stored on the stack, and then the left-hand side names are assigned using opcodes that take values from the stack again. For tuple assignments with 2 or 3 items, Python just uses the stack … Read more