How do IMMUTABLE, STABLE and VOLATILE keywords effect behaviour of function?

The key word IMMUTABLE is never added automatically by pgAdmin or Postgres. Whoever created or replaced the function did that. The correct volatility for the given function is VOLATILE (also the default), not STABLE – or it wouldn’t make sense to use clock_timestamp() which is VOLATILE in contrast to now() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP which are STABLE: … Read more

reference assignment is atomic so why is Interlocked.Exchange(ref Object, Object) needed?

There are numerous questions here. Considering them one at a time: reference assignment is atomic so why is Interlocked.Exchange(ref Object, Object) needed? Reference assignment is atomic. Interlocked.Exchange does not do only reference assignment. It does a read of the current value of a variable, stashes away the old value, and assigns the new value to … Read more