WCF service The maximum array length quota (16384) has been exceeded

Actually, I’ve solved the problem by adding readerQuotas within textMessageEncoding section. Thanks for the help. <textMessageEncoding messageVersion=”Soap11″> <readerQuotas maxDepth=”32″ maxStringContentLength=”5242880″ maxArrayLength=”2147483646″ maxBytesPerRead=”4096″ maxNameTableCharCount=”5242880″/> </textMessageEncoding>

WCF sessions with a wsHttpBinding and without windows security

You can have WCF hold session information in memory in a pretty simple way. To eliminate any possible external influences in my instructions, I’ll assume you’re starting with a brand new project: Create a new WCF Service Library project. This project will already contain a service with a WSHttpBiding binding preconfigured. Go to the service … Read more

How can I use WCF with the basichttpbinding only , SSL and Basic Authentication in IIS?

After some digging and asking some questions to a few colleagues, we finally solved the problem. Important to understand is there are 2 aspects of security in this case. The IIS security and the WCF security. IIS security: Enable SSL & enable Basic Authentication. Disable Anonymous Authentication. (Of course, create a windows account/group and set … Read more

The content type application/xml;charset=utf-8 of the response message does not match the content type of the binding (text/xml; charset=utf-8)

It’s possible that your WCF service is returning HTML. In this case, you’ll want to set up a binding on the service side to return XML instead. However, this is unlikely: if it is the case, let me know and I’ll make an edit with more details. The more likely reason is that your service … Read more

WCF error: The caller was not authenticated by the service

If you use basicHttpBinding, configure the endpoint security to “None” and transport clientCredintialType to “None.” <bindings> <basicHttpBinding> <binding name=”MyBasicHttpBinding”> <security mode=”None”> <transport clientCredentialType=”None” /> </security> </binding> </basicHttpBinding> </bindings> <services> <service behaviorConfiguration=”MyServiceBehavior” name=”MyService”> <endpoint binding=”basicHttpBinding” bindingConfiguration=”MyBasicHttpBinding” name=”basicEndPoint” contract=”IMyService” /> </service> Also, make sure the directory Authentication Methods in IIS to Enable Anonymous access

WCF change endpoint address at runtime

So your endpoint address defined in your first example is incomplete. You must also define endpoint identity as shown in client configuration. In code you can try this: EndpointIdentity spn = EndpointIdentity.CreateSpnIdentity(“host/mikev-ws”); var address = new EndpointAddress(“http://id.web/Services/EchoService.svc”, spn); var client = new EchoServiceClient(address); litResponse.Text = client.SendEcho(“Hello World”); client.Close(); Actual working final version by valamas EndpointIdentity … Read more