curl Request with ASP.NET

The default HTTP method for WebRequest is GET. Try setting it to POST, as that’s what the API is expecting myReq.Method = “POST”; I assume you are posting something. As a test, I’m going to post the same data from their curl example. string url = “”; string data = “{\”service\”:\”absence.list\”, \”company_id\”:3}”; WebRequest myReq = … Read more

How to use the new affix plugin in twitter’s bootstrap 2.1.0?

I was having a similar problem, and I believe I found an improved solution. Don’t bother specifying data-offset-top in your HTML. Instead, specify it when you call .affix(): $(‘#nav’).affix({ offset: { top: $(‘#nav’).offset().top } });​ The advantage here is that you can change the layout of your site without needing to update the data-offset-top attribute. … Read more

Chrome: Automatic shift of web elements

Hello and welcome to the community! First off, in your provided link the -webkit-margin-start: of the button is set to 620px, not 166. That, combined with the width of your menu div <div id=”div_element”> as well as the padding around your elements exceeds your original #wrapper width of 1006px, making the button element jump to … Read more

How to include javaScript file in xslt

If you need to use the javascript in the transformation (for example, it contains a set of extension functions that are called within the transformation), you need to put the javascript contents (at least that of one javascript file) in a separate XSLT stylesheet file, using the proper extension element (such as <msxml:script>) as the … Read more

UploadFile with POST values by WebClient

There’s nothing built-in that allows you to do that. I have blogged about an extension that you could use. Here are the relevant classes: public class UploadFile { public UploadFile() { ContentType = “application/octet-stream”; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Filename { get; set; } public string ContentType { get; set; … Read more

How can one generate and save a file client side using Blazor?

Creator of Blazor Steve Sanderson used JavaScript interop for similar task during one of his last presentations. You can find example on BlazorExcelSpreadsheet Solution includes three parts: 1) JavaScript function saveAsFile(filename, bytesBase64) { var link = document.createElement(‘a’); = filename; link.href = “;base64,” + bytesBase64; document.body.appendChild(link); // Needed for Firefox; document.body.removeChild(link); } 2) C# … Read more

Django cannot find static files. Need a second pair of eyes, I’m going crazy

do the following: If you are in DEBUG, set STATICFILES_DIRS = (“path/to/static”) variable in your It should then work only in DEBUG mode. If you want it to also work in deploy mode, set STATIC_ROOT = (“path/to/static_root”) variable in the Then, execute python collectstatic and it should also work. And now, for … Read more