How to query xml column in tsql

How about this? SELECT EventID, EventTime, AnnouncementValue = t1.EventXML.value(‘(/Event/Announcement/Value)[1]’, ‘decimal(10,2)’), AnnouncementDate = t1.EventXML.value(‘(/Event/Announcement/Date)[1]’, ‘date’) FROM dbo.T1 WHERE t1.EventXML.exist(‘/Event/Indicator/Name[text() = “GDP”]’) = 1 It will find all rows where the /Event/Indicator/Name equals GDP and then it will display the <Announcement>/<Value> and <Announcement>/<Date> for those rows. See SQLFiddle demo

Finding node order in XML document in SQL Server

You can emulate the position() function by counting the number of sibling nodes preceding each node: SELECT code = value.value(‘@code’, ‘int’), parent_code = value.value(‘../@code’, ‘int’), ord = value.value(‘for $i in . return count(../*[. << $i]) + 1’, ‘int’) FROM @Xml.nodes(‘//value’) AS T(value) Here is the result set: code parent_code ord —- ———– — 1 NULL … Read more

Concatenate grouped rows

Use: select, sum(t.price) , stuff(( select distinct ‘,’ + cast(t2.ServiceID as varchar(max)) from @t t2 where = for xml path(”) ), 1, 1, ”) from @t t group by Output: ———– ——————— ——————— 1 40,00 11,12 2 120,00 11

Execute a XQuery with PHP

PHP does not have any native or common XML parsers that support XQuery (If I’m wrong, someone let me know). It does however have two pretty standard extensions that handle XPath queries. I personally think simplexml is the better of the two. You would simply use: $xml = new simplexml($some_xml_string); $xpath_results = $xml -> Xpath(“//a/b”); … Read more

SQL: How can I get the value of an attribute in XML datatype?

Use XQuery: declare @xml xml=”<email> <account language=”en” /> </email>” select @xml.value(‘(/email/account/@language)[1]’, ‘nvarchar(max)’) declare @t table (m xml) insert @t values (‘<email><account language=”en” /></email>’), (‘<email><account language=”fr” /></email>’) select m.value(‘(/email/account/@language)[1]’, ‘nvarchar(max)’) from @t Output: en fr

SQL Server SELECT to JSON function

Starting from SQL Server 2016 you can use for json: declare @t table(id int, name nvarchar(max), active bit) insert @t values (1, ‘Bob Jones’, 1), (2, ‘John Smith’, 0) select id, name, active from @t for json auto With older versions of SQL Server you can use for xml path, e.g.: select ‘[‘ + STUFF(( … Read more