Template metaprogram converting type to unique number

In principle, this is possible, although the solution probably isn’t what you’re looking for.

In short, you need to provide an explicit mapping from the types to the integer values, with one entry for each possible type:

template< typename T >
struct type2int
   // enum { result = 0 }; // do this if you want a fallback value

template<> struct type2int<AClass> { enum { result = 1 }; };
template<> struct type2int<BClass> { enum { result = 2 }; };
template<> struct type2int<CClass> { enum { result = 3 }; };

const int i = type2int<T>::result;

If you don’t supply the fallback implementation in the base template, this will fail for unknown types if T, otherwise it would return the fallback value.

Depending on your context, there might be other possibilities, too. For example, you could define those numbers within within the types themselves:

class AClass {
    enum { inta_val = 1 };
  // ...

class BClass {
    enum { inta_val = 2 };
  // ...

// ... 

template< typename T >
struct type2int
   enum { result = T::int_val }; // will fail for types without int_val

If you give more context, there might be other solutions, too.


Actually there isn’t any more context to it. I was looking into if it actually was possible, but without assigning the numbers itself.

I think Mike’s idea of ordering is a good way to do this (again, for a fixed set of types) without having to explicitly assign numbers: they’re implicitly given by the ordering. However, I think that this would be easier by using a type list. The index of any type in the list would be its number. I think something like the following might do:

// basic type list manipulation stuff
template< typename T1, typename T2, typename T3...>
struct type_list;

// meta function, List is assumed to be some instance of type_list
template< typename T, class List >
struct index_of {
  enum { result = /* find index of T in List */ };

// the list of types you support
typedef type_list<AClass, BClass, CClass> the_type_list;

// your meta function
template< typename T >
struct type2int
   enum { result = index_of<T, the_type_list>::result };

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