TextInputLayout :How to give padding or margin to hint?

The solution proposed by ganesh2shiv works for the most part, although I’ve found it also de-centres the hint text displayed inside the EditText when not focused.

A better trick is to set the desired paddingTop to the EditText but also embed the extra padding within the EditText’s background. A fairly sane way to do this is to wrap your original background in a <layer-list> and set the <item android:top="..."> attribute to match the paddingTop of your EditText.


    android:background="@drawable/bg_edit_text" />

And the bg_edit_text.xml drawable file:

<layer-list xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">
  <item android:top="@dimen/floating_hint_margin">
    <your original background; can be <bitmap> or <shape> or whatever./>

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