The Redirection of Multiple Parked Domains doesn’t Work with Filename [closed]

If the questioner starts rewrite ruling with [R=301] 301 redirect, a.k.a. “Permanently Redirect”, and then he try to view his URL but the result of the rule wasn’t what he want, then even he try to change the redirecting rule, his web browser will always redirect that URL into the first URL where it redirecting with [R=301] flag. Because once the browser has been redirected permanently to the wrong address, even how many times you edit the rule, your browser will still be redirected to the old address, that’s a browser thing, and you may even go on to fix the rule, and then change the rule all over again without ever knowing it. Changes the 301 redirects in your browser can take a long time to show up.

The solution is to restart the web browser, or use a different one. So, if you’re testing, it’s better to use a [R] flag instead of [R=301] flag. And when you are 100% sure that the rule does exactly as it’s expected to, then switch it to [R=301] flag. Or else, this question belongs to Server Fault.

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