Tomcat Guice/JDBC Memory Leak

I just dealt with this problem myself. Contrary to some other answers, I do not recommend issuing the t.stop() command. This method has been deprecated, and for good reason. Reference Oracle’s reasons for doing this.

However there is a solution for removing this error without needing to resort to t.stop()

You can use most of the code @Oso provided, just replace the following section

Set<Thread> threadSet = Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet();
Thread[] threadArray = threadSet.toArray(new Thread[threadSet.size()]);
for(Thread t:threadArray) {
    if(t.getName().contains("Abandoned connection cleanup thread")) {
        synchronized(t) {
            t.stop(); //don't complain, it works

Replace it using the following method provided by the MySQL driver:

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    logger.warn("SEVERE problem cleaning up: " + e.getMessage());

This should properly shutdown the thread, and the error should go away.

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