What does 2>&1 mean here?

Before talking about redirections i have the feeling that you need to understand a basic thing: Linux commands produce normal output and error output, and unix gives you the freedom to “redirect” each output to a separate “channel” , called file descriptors (fd). Channel/fd 1 is used for std ouput and Channel/fd 2 is used … Read more

Erroe in script

Without knowing exactly what you’re doing and without any comments on whether this is the right way to do it: STBY=$(ssh db0.dev.ng.keepit.com) sudo crm node show $(hostname) | awk ‘/standby/ {gsub(“standby=”,””);print$2}’ should probably be: STBY=$(ssh db0.dev.ng.keepit.com sudo crm node show $(hostname) | awk ‘/standby/ {gsub(“standby=”,””);print$2}’) (the closing ) is in the wrong place).

Some troubles with using sed and awk [closed]

From what we can discern of this question, you’re attempting to create a programmatic rule to rename files ending in extensions stdout-captured, stderr-captured, and status-captured (assuming one typo) into files ending in extensions stdout-expected, stderr-expected, and status-expected, respectively. Obviously, if each of these definitions is inclusive of exactly one file, a rote mv may be … Read more