Calm down initial tick of a force layout

All the answers above misunderstood Øystein Amundsen’s question. The only way to stabilize the force upon it starts is to set node.x and node.y a proper value. Please note that the node is the data of d3.js, not the represented DOM type. For example, if you load nodes = [{“id”: a}, {“id”: b}, {“id”: c}] … Read more

Drawing Multiple Lines in D3.js

Yes. First I would restructure your data for easier iteration, like this: var series = [ [{time: 1, value: 2}, {time: 2, value: 4}, {time: 3, value: 8}], [{time: 1, value: 5}, {time: 2, value: 9}, {time: 3, value: 12}], [{time: 1, value: 3}, {time: 2, value: 2}, {time: 3, value: 2}], [{time: 1, value: … Read more

Loading D3.js data from a simple JSON string

for remote data.json replace : d3.tsv(“data.tsv”, function(error, data) {…} with : d3.json(“data.json”, function(error, data) { console.log(data); // this is your data }); for local data: var myData = { {date:’2013-05-01′, frequency:99}, {date:’2013-05-02′, frequency:24} }; function draw(data) { console.log(data); // this is your data } draw(myData);

d3 importing csv file to array [duplicate]

In d3 v5 the API for fetching data has changed quite a bit, which became necessary as the underlying workings have switched from using XMLHttpRequest to the Fetch API. In prior versions of D3 up to v4 your code would have behaved as you expected printing the single resulting array. The new API for d3.csv(), … Read more

Hyperlinks in d3.js objects

It is quite easy, just add some more “key” : “value” pairs. Example: “children”: [ { “name”: “Google”, “size”: 3938, “url”: “” }, { “name”: “Bing”, “size”: 3938, “url”: “” } ] Of course, in your d3 code you then need to append <svg:a> tags and set their xlink:href attribute. Here is some html and … Read more