Is there a shortcut in Eclipse to Re-run the most recently launched program?

For CTRL+F11 to work the way you want, you must set (from “Windows/Preferences”) the “Run/debug > Launching : Launch Operation” setting to: Always launch the previously launched application As Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen mentions in the comment, launching the last app used to be (3.2 or before) the default behavior. Since 3.3M6 (March 2007), As illustrated … Read more

Subclipse svn:ignore

You can’t svn:ignore a file that is already commited to repository. So you must: Delete the file from the repository. Update your project (the working copy) to the head revision. Recreate the file in Eclipse. Set svn:ignore on the file via Team->Add to svn:ignore. Restart eclipse to reflect changes. Good luck!

Eclipse and Windows newlines

As mentioned here and here: Set file encoding to UTF-8 and line-endings for new files to Unix, so that text files are saved in a format that is not specific to the Windows OS and most easily shared across heterogeneous developer desktops: Navigate to the Workspace preferences (General:Workspace) Change the Text File Encoding to UTF-8 … Read more