Xcode 7 Library search path warning

This is how I fixed this problem Further to a migration of my Xcode project, from Xcode 6.4 to Xcode 7, I get the warning message below (after compilation) for the Test target : directory not found for option ‘-F/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator9.0.sdk/Developer/Library/Frameworks’ Actually I found something when comparing a new project vs an older one… In the … Read more

Print unicode character from variable (swift)

One possible solution (explanations “inline”): let charAsString = “1f44d” // Convert hex string to numeric value first: var charCode : UInt32 = 0 let scanner = NSScanner(string: charAsString) if scanner.scanHexInt(&charCode) { // Create string from Unicode code point: let str = String(UnicodeScalar(charCode)) println(str) // 👍 } else { println(“invalid input”) } Slightly simpler with Swift … Read more

What is a target dependency?

A dependency is another target that must be built before the current target can be. For example, if you have an app target and a framework target, the app target can have the framework target as a dependency, to ensure that the framework is built first. That is, the app target “depends” on the framework.