UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl doesn’t get back to previous state. (Not dismissing)

Here is the link to Apple site for the Modal View Controllers

Basically, you need to setup delegate, etc. And call dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: method from your viewcontroller A. Let me know if you need further help.

Edit per MiiChiel:

In BController.h file, add this:

@protocol BControllerDelegate <NSObject>

@interface BController : UIViewController
@property (assign) id <BControllerDelegate> delegate;

In BController.m file, add this:

@implementation BController
@synthesize delegate;
- (void)touchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    [self.delegate dismissMe];

In the AController.h file, add this:

#import "BController.h"

@interface AController : UIViewController  <BControllerDelegate>

In the AController.m file, add this:

//add this line before presenting the modal view controller B
bController.delegate = self;  // assuming bController is the name of the modal

    //call back from modal view to dismiss it
    [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];

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