Undefined reference to WinMain (C++ MinGW)

This example code uses wWinMain but

One thing to note is that Visual C++ supports a “wWinMain” entry point
where the “lpCmdLine” parameter is a “LPWSTR”. You would typically use
the “_tWinMain” preprocessor definition for your entry point and
declare “LPTSTR lpCmdLine” so that you can easily support both ANSI
and Unicode builds. However, the MinGW CRT startup library does not
support wWinMain, so you’ll have to stick with the standard “WinMain”
and use “GetCommandLine()” if you need to access command line

via Building Win32 GUI Applications with MinGW

In this specific case, you can use WinMain instead. This program doesn’t use pCmdLine value, so it should compile when you change wWinMain to WinMain and PWSTR pCmdLine to PSTR pCmdLine.

If you later would need unicode command line use LPWSTR cmd_line = GetCommandLineW(); instead of WinMain argument.

Newer Mingw versions also support -municode linker option switching to alternate startup code allowing to use wWinMain instead of WinMain (or wmain instead of main). Add it to your command line, linker options in IDE or makefile.

g++ other_options_and_arguments -municode

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