Union of multiple ranges

Let’s say, (7, 10) and (11, 13) result into (7, 13):

a = [(7, 10), (11, 13), (11, 15), (14, 20), (23, 39)]
b = []
for begin,end in sorted(a):
    if b and b[-1][1] >= begin - 1:
        b[-1] = (b[-1][0], end)
        b.append((begin, end))

b is now

[(7, 20), (23, 39)]


As @CentAu correctly notices, [(2,4), (1,6)] would return (1,4) instead of (1,6). Here is the new version with correct handling of this case:

a = [(7, 10), (11, 13), (11, 15), (14, 20), (23, 39)]
b = []
for begin,end in sorted(a):
    if b and b[-1][1] >= begin - 1:
        b[-1][1] = max(b[-1][1], end)
        b.append([begin, end])

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