Use a concatenated (dynamic) string as JavaScript object key? [duplicate]

Because "key" + test is an expression and not an identifier nor a string literal nor a number literal, which are the only things that are allowed as the key in an object literal.

You have to use the [] notation after creating the object for such a dynamic key:

var test123 = {};
test123["key" + test] = 123;

An identifier is basically the same subset of characters that you can call a variable (letters, numbers, _ and $; may not start with a number), and a string literal is any string enclosed with ' or ".

So, the only types of keys you can use in an object literal are:

  a0:   true, // valid identifier
  $$_:  true, // same
  123:  true, // valid numeric literal
  012:  true, // same (octal)
  0xf:  true, // same (hex)
  "@":  true, // not allowed as an identifier
  '0a': true  // same


PropertyName :




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