Use of the : operator in C [duplicate]

They’re bit-fields, an example being that unsigned int addr:9; creates an addr field 9 bits long.

It’s commonly used to pack lots of values into an integral type. In your particular case, it defining the structure of a 32-bit microcode instruction for a (possibly) hypothetical CPU (if you add up all the bit-field lengths, they sum to 32).

The union allows you to load in a single 32-bit value and then access the individual fields with code like (minor problems fixed as well, specifically the declarations of code and test):

#include <stdio.h>

struct microFields {
    unsigned int addr:9;
    unsigned int cond:2;
    unsigned int wr:1;
    unsigned int rd:1;
    unsigned int mar:1;
    unsigned int alu:3;
    unsigned int b:5;
    unsigned int a:5;
    unsigned int c:5;

union micro {
    unsigned int microCode;
    struct microFields code;

int main (void) {
    int myAlu;
    union micro test;
    test.microCode = 0x0001c000;
    myAlu = test.code.alu;
    return 0;

This prints out 7, which is the three bits making up the alu bit-field.

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