Using a deferred-length character string to read user input

vincentjs’s answer isn’t quite right.

Modern (2003+) Fortran does allow automatic allocation and re-allocation of strings on assignment, so a sequence of statements such as this

character(len=:), allocatable :: string
string = 'Hello'
string = 'my friend'
string = 'Hello '//string

is correct and will work as expected and write out 3 strings of different lengths. At least one compiler in widespread use, the Intel Fortran compiler, does not engage 2003 semantics by default so may raise an error on trying to compile this. Refer to the documentation for the setting to use Fortran 2003.

However, this feature is not available when reading a string so you have to resort to the tried and tested (aka old-fashioned if you prefer) approach of declaring a buffer of sufficient size for any input and of then assigning the allocatable variable. Like this:

character(len=long) :: buffer
character(len=:), allocatable :: string
read(*,*) buffer
string = trim(buffer)

No, I don’t know why the language standard forbids automatic allocation on read, just that it does.

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