vertical reference line in google timeline visualization

Create a first task to represent current date:

['', 'Hoy', new Date(2014,9,2), new Date(2014,9,2) ],

Create a function with jQuery to make this task longer:

function MarcarHoy (div, filas){
  $('#'+div+' text:contains("Hoy")').css('font-size','11px').attr('fill','#A6373C').prev().first().attr('height',filas*41+'px').attr('width','1px').attr('y','0');

Call the function:

    chart.draw(dataTable, options);
  MarcarHoy('example1',23);, 'onmouseover', function(obj) {

The result:

enter image description here

Source: Viviendo en la Era de la Web 2.0

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