Vue components communication

Cross-component communication doesn’t get much attention in the Vue.js docs, nor are there many tutorials that cover this subject. As components should be isolated, you should never “access” a component directly. This would tightly couple the components together, and thats exactly what you want to prevent doing.

Javascript has an excellent method for communication: events. Vue.js has a built-in event system, mainly used for parent-child communication. From the docs:

Although you can directly access a Vue instance’s children and parent, it is more convenient to use the built-in event system for cross-component communication. It also makes your code less coupled and easier to maintain. Once a parent-child relationship is established, you can dispatch and trigger events using each component’s event instance methods.

Their example code to illustrate the event system:

var parent = new Vue({
  template: '<div><child></child></div>',
  created: function () {
    this.$on('child-created', function (child) {
      console.log('new child created: ')
  components: {
    child: {
      created: function () {
        this.$dispatch('child-created', this)

Dan Holloran has recently written a piece on his “struggle” with cross-component messaging, in two pieces. This might be helpful to you if you need communication between components that have no parent-child relationship.

Another approach I have experience with (other than using events for communication), is using a central component registry that has a reference to the public API with an instance of a component bound to it. The registry handles requests for a component and returns its public API.

In the context of Vue.js, events would by my weapon of choice.

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